
Monday, 18 May 2015

Generation: Success

2015, the year of the young. The year that success is finally being measured in achievements, happiness and well-being. Not just income or status. No matter what your background or how you got there, if you’ve achieved something already this year.. good on ya.

 With exam season and dissertation completions in full swing, it got us thinking about the future of young talent and how society is changing how success is measured. Gone are the days you need an extremely wealthy bank account, swanky mansion and a sports car to be deemed a success. People are finally starting to realise that if you’ve achieved a self goal, you’re stable, happy and content then you’re already there. Money and a lavish lifestyle is one thing but it isn’t success if you didn’t earn it.
 Whether you handed in your dissertation 5 minutes ago, 5 years ago or have never written out the word dissertation, let alone complete one it’s not to late to become a success. The chances are, you’re probably a lot closer than you think. We live in an age where you don’t need letters after your name or a degree to be wealthy but that’s not to say completing a degree isn’t an achievement to dismiss. We chose our own roots in life and they’re often not the same as your friends, family or peers but as long as you’re content in your journey to success then it’s a completely justified journey.
 Some of us choose to leave education, travel the world in hope of finding self worth, others chose to do what they love and work at it until they get damn talented and others chose to grasp education for as long as possible, becoming as knowledgeable in their field as possible and each is a path to success, however varied they may seem.
 The point of this post is to emphasise the fact that, if you feel like you’re not on your way to achieving something because you’ve followed a different path from most then don’t worry because each journey is different and it’s what makes us who we are. Secondly, ask yourself.. are you really that far from success if you’re happy, content and heading in a direction (whatever that direction may be?).

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